New product from Profile Service - Tepi S cover
Tepi-S Cover is designed to protect patient from weather conditions as well as offer them more privacy. It is very quick to instal and it works with all the general stretchers. It is easy to use and it doesn’t take any extra space, which makes it easy add-on for the ambulance everyday equipment.
Other new product available from Profile Service, is a quick release bracket for treatment equipment, which is effortless to attach to the edges around the stretcher. Gas bottles and other treatment equipment are easy to attach and are easily available for the paramedics in any situation.
To learn more regarding these new products, please see the video below!
For more information, you can reach out to Profile Service through email
Nomination at Profile Group
Ms. Minna Leskinen starts as Group CFO
Minna Leskinen (eMBA & M.Sc. Industrial Eng.) has been appointed as CFO of the Profile Group starting from 1. June 2022. As CFO, Minna is responsible for financial administration and her duties include e.g. cash flow management and forecasting, reporting to management and stakeholders, and HR functions and payroll management. Minna has extensive skills and experience in financial management and strong production expertise. Previously Minna worked at Junttan Oy as a Group Controller.

Group Sales Director Santtu Keto moves on to new challenges
We kindly announce that Profile Group Sales Director Mr. Santtu Keto moves on to new challenges. His last work day at Profile will be 31.5.2022.
Santtu Keto started at Profile in 2019 as Aftersales and Service Manager and was nominated as sales director in 2020. Profile Group wants to thank Santtu for his contribution in developing the sales and wish him all the best for the future!
The duties and responsibilities of the Sales Director will be transferred to the Sales Managers and representatives (contact information on our website , as appropriate, and Group CEO Ville Repo will handle contracts and related matters for the present.
For more information: CEO Ville Repo, tel: +358 44 7217454 or email: ville.repo(at)

Profile Vehicles present at RETTmobil 2022
Profile Vehicles will be participating RETTmobil International 2022 on the 11-13th of May, which will be held in Fulda, Germany. Come and visit our Profile Vehicles Group leaders and best experts from all of our subsidiaries, who are all eager to meet you!
At our booth 210, we will be showcasing three Profile ambulances:
e-Advanz: The green ambulance, built on Mercedes Benz Tourer chassis. Not only it is powered by electricity, the interior is built by using recycled sustainable materials without compromising the Profile quality and safety standards. E-Advanz is Profile’s flag ship
Profile Leonardo: Ambulance with standard built on Opel chassis. Leonardo’s design is standardized to fit the general needs of ambulance care in European markets. It offers the same high-level of safety, ergonomic and hygiene standards than all Profile models.
Profile Progrez : One of the most popular models in Nordics, Profile Progrez is built on Volkswagen’s Crafter chassis and was designed to meet the toughest demands of today’s emergency care professionals.
Visit us at the tent 2, booth 210 so we can give you a specialized tour of the ambulances and tell you more about our innovative solutions how to make emergency transport safer and more comfortable than ever.
- Electrical ambulance
- Perfect for cities and patient transfers
- Environmentally friendly choice
- Top quality and design
Profile Leonardo
- Standardize model
- In-stock product, short delivery times (Autumn 2022 ->)
- Optimized for European markets
Profile Progrez
- One of the most popular models in Nordics
- Premium product
- Available as four-wheel drive, with lower chassis
– Starting off the year of celebrations –
Location: BUDAPEST – KISTARCSA, Hungary
Personnel: 83 professionals
Factory capacity : 250 vehicles yearly
Ten years ago, a man named Márton László called to the former CEO Marko Repo to inform that the Hungary’s Government First Aid Services, OMSZ, will have a tender coming up for around 200 ambulances. Repo realized the real potential in this and after thorough research and skilful negotiations, Profile won the tender and quickly started the ambulance production in Budapest. With the help of László, Profile was able to create a strong and trustworthy relationship with OMSZ and has been delivering all their ambulances ever since.
In addition, during these ten years Hungary’s factory has become crucial part of the Profile Vehicles group, producing most of the Profile Vehicles ambulances and special vehicles for the European markets. All the Profile units work closely together, over the country borders. This enables easy flow of the knowhow and guarantees the Group can improve continuously its processes in each Group unit.
10 Anniversary of Hungary factory on the 25th of March is the starting point of the Profile Vehicles’ year of celebrations. Profile’s subsidiary factory in Tallinn, Estonia, will celebrate its 20-year Anniversary in May and the Profile Group will celebrate the 40-year anniversary in September. Thereby the year 2022 will bring many reasons to celebrate, as we have many new innovations on the way as well, so stay tuned!
You can sign up for our newsletter to receive the updates directly to your inbox!
Marko Repo and Marton László
Secours Expo 2022 in Paris
Profile Vehicles was present at Secours Expo, Paris France on the 10-12th of March. Secours Expo is the biggest professional fair for first aid, emergency care and prevention professionals in France. Profile Vehicles was there presenting Profile Genios ambulance, which is optimal choice for premium ambulance for the French markets. Other Profile product which interested the audience, was the Blue Light decontamination system which is easy to get installed and integrated to the ceiling lights in the patient compartment. More information can be found here.
Secour Expo was also a first public presentation for Profile Leonardo, the new generation of ambulances in preparation of the Profile R&D and production department. We are preparing our full presentation of the new model for RETTmobil international fair held in May 2022.
We thank everyone who visited us, it was pleasure to meet you! Next event Profile Vehicles will be participating is the RETTmobil International Fair in Fulda, Germany on the 11-13th of May 2022. See you there!!

Continuing the good work with Volkswagen
Profile Vehicles Ltd. has been recognized by its outstanding technical expertise and experience in the conversions of Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles, as the PremiumPartner certification was renewed and is valid until the February 2025. The certification from Volkswagen helps Profile to stand out from its competitors and to find the best available resources for product development and sales.
Nordic Sales Manager, Ville Väyrynen sees a great value in receiving the PremiumPartner certification. “We are proud to be representing Volkswagen and are committed to stay at the top of the latest technology and continuously improve our skill set. Renewal of the PremiumPartner certificate proves how Profile is committed to meet the high standards of Volkswagen and other chassis manufacturers in the long term and customer can trust to receive the best quality in the market.”
A great example of this successful collaboration between Volkswagen and Profile Vehicles, was an order and delivery of over hundred Profile Progrez ambulances for a Danish customer . These Progrez ambulances were manufactured on Volkswagen Crafter chassis. ” This shows our customers are happy with what they see and trust on the high-quality standards Volkswagen and Profile represents”. Väyrynen sums up.
Volkswagen Premium Partners are required to undergo regular, stringent converter audits to ensure the quality of the products available, as well as deliver minimum type approval certification for each conversion meaning all converted vehicles will feature the same aftersales support received by the brand’s standard vehicles. Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles started the recognition program in 2017 and you can find Profile Vehicles listed on their partner page.
Arab Health 2022
Profile Vehicles in attending Arab Health 2022 and our open-air booth OS.19 can be found front of the entrance gate. We are presenting our Profile Optimus model, which is designed especially for MENA market area. Come and visit our team in Dubai!
If you cannot make it to Dubai, please take a look of the Optiums Ambulance which is presented in Arab Health 2022
Time of the event:
24th – 27th of January 2022
Place of the event:
Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Centre, Dubai, UAE

Open position : AREA MANAGER - SWEDEN
Nu har du möjlighet att driva och utveckla Profile Vehicles svenska verksamhet som deras nästa Area Manager. Har du ett stort intresse för specialfordonsindustrin och en bakgrund från fordonsindustrin? Då kan du vara den person vi söker. Läs mer och ansök nedan.
Profile Vehicles är en finsk, internationellt känd designer och tillverkare av specialfordon som levererar fordon över hela världen. Varumärket Profile kombinerar långvarig erfarenhet och branschkunskap, kundorienterad produktutveckling med framträdande design och teknik. Företagets historia startade 1982 den 1 september, när företaget Iikori Ky grundades av Kosti Repo. Kort därefter blev Iikori Finlands största ambulanstillverkare.
På 90-talet började företaget använda innovativa ambulansmoduler i produktionen och den mest kända detaljen var det special designade “Profile” taket. Enligt kunder skapade detta ett nytt sätt att forma- och framta ambulanser. Det var så Profile Vehicles fick sitt namn.
Vi söker nu en ambitiös Area Manager som trivs i en internationell miljö och vill vara med och driva och utveckla vår svenska verksamhet inom specialfordon.
Om rollen
I rollen som Area Manager ansvarar du för att leda det växande företagets svenska verksamhet på ett övergripande plan. Area Managers ansvarsområde omfattar försäljning av ambulanser och specialfordon, skapande och underhåll av kundrelationer, förvaltning av ekonomin, organiserande av finansiering samt personal och resultatansvar för två medarbetare.
I denna roll ansvarar du även för utvecklingen av den svenska verksamheten med mycket fokus på försäljning och affärsutveckling. På den svenska marknaden jobbar man primärt med försäljning, eftermarknad och support. Ditt fokus kommer vara på att utveckla och effektivisera verksamheten samt att fokusera på långsiktiga och lönsamma affärer som är rätt för Profile Vehicles. Produktion finns på andra orter.
Du leder det svenska teamet och är en aktiv partner till koncernens försäljningschef i Norden och för Vd:n i koncernen.
Du utgår ifrån kontor i Trollhättan men det finns även möjlighet att arbeta från distans. Area Manager rapporterar till styrelsen.
Vem är du?
Vi ser gärna att du har ett stort intresse för specialfordonsindustrin. Din bakgrund får gärna vara inom fordonsbranschen med liknande arbetsuppgifter. Du har ett antal års erfarenhet av att leda en verksamhet med fullt budget och personalansvar.
Du är självständig, strukturerad med en operativ ådra. I denna roll behöver man vara praktisk lagd, tålmodig och operativ men samtidigt ha förmåga att leda och utveckla en verksamhet. Självständighet och affärsmässighet är två viktiga egenskaper för att lyckas i denna roll.
Tidigare internationell arbetslivserfarenhet, erfarenhet av ambulanser och/eller specialfordon, att vara insatt i offentliga upphandlingar samt att behärska andra nordiska språk ses som meriterande.
Du har flytande muntliga och skriftliga kunskaper i engelska och svenska.
Vad kan Profile Vehicles erbjuda dig?
Vi erbjuder dig en utvecklande och internationell arbetsmiljö där du kan göra skillnad. Profile Vehicles är ett familjeföretag som präglas av prestigelöshet, korta beslutsvägar och entreprenörskap. Du kommer att ingå i ett kompetent, flexibelt och engagerat arbetsteam som styrs av viljan att agera och hitta vinnande lösningar. Rollen innebär stor frihet och möjlighet att utveckla och driva den svenska verksamheten.
Sök tjänsten idag!
I den här rekryteringen samarbetar Profile Vehicles med Jefferson Wells. Vid frågor är du välkommen att kontakta ansvarig rekryteringskonsult Maria Svedberg, 079-0763749 alt.
Vi arbetar med löpande urval så skicka in din ansökan omgående via länken nedan, dock senaste 26 januari.
Varmt välkommen med din ansökan!
DecoEco BlueLight has revolutionised ambulance patient compartment cleaning!
Hygiene in the patient areas of ambulances is very important, both for patient and occupational safety. During the company’s 40-year history, one of the main focuses in ambulance designs has been the patient compartments hygiene. As a result from this, the DecoEco BlueLight decontamination system was developed to revolutionise the cleaning of work areas in patient compartment. DecoEco BlueLight integrates with the lighting in the treatment room and is extremely easy and effortless to use via the eCAN canbus system.
Profile DecoEco BlueLight is a pioneer in the field of cleaning solutions for ambulances and, especially now with virus like corona-19, this is even more important. The BlueLight system has been developed in collaboration with LedTailor, which provides blue light solutions for example for hospital operating theatres. This innovative solution is extremely safe to use and helps to ensure maximum cleanliness in a busy everyday life.
Safe and effective
As shown in the diagram, regular use of BlueLight effectively prevents the spread of bacteria and viruses, keeping their numbers consistently low. The system switches on automatically when the ambulance is not in use, effectively preventing the growth of bacterial strains, among other things. The system also requires no regular maintenance, making it highly cost-effective. The addition of a Nano coating to ambulance treatment rooms speeds up decontamination process of the patient compartment, which enables increase in ambulance occupancy rates.
BlueLight is proven to be effective against E-coli bacteria and significantly reduces the microbial count in as little as half an hour. Similar results have been achieved against SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza A. More information and detailed results can be found here.
The DecoEco BlueLight decontamination system is starting to be standard for many customers with their new Profile ambulances, as the benefits speak for themselves. The system is hassle-free to use and increases both occupational and patient safety when used regularly. When the system prevents the first sickness absence or the spread of hospital germs, the system has already paid for itself. The cleaning method is safe for the user as the light is UV-free and no additional chemicals are needed. The DecoEco BlueLight has been widely praised by customers and it is a product that is firmly believed in at the company. The DecoEco BLueLight system is also easy to retrofit.
If you would like to know more about the BlueLight surface disinfection solution, please contact Santtu Keto (+358 40 716 9525 / who will gladly give you more information regarding benefits of BlueLight system.